My widowed Mum spent two exhausting weeks decorating a mansion with wallpaper by herself. But to her dismay, the arrogant owners didn’t pay up and even threatened her. Seeing her tears made my blood boil, and those cowards had no clue what was coming next.

What would you do if someone caused your mother to cry? Not just a few tears, but the type of crying that shakes her whole body and breaks your heart? I’m Kimberly, and my Mum, Ruby, means everything to me. She’s incredibly strong, but when she breaks down, it feels like my world is falling apart. This happened recently, and I knew I had to act. Those people who hurt her? They were about to experience a lesson they’d never forget…

My Mum, Ruby, is 59. She raised me alone after my Dad died when I was young. She gave up her dreams of college to work and ensure I had all I needed. Even now, her dedication to hard work is unwavering.

She wakes up before dawn to get to her cherished job and always puts me first, making sacrifices so I can have the best. I’m immensely grateful for her endless love and sacrifices… they’ve shaped who I am today.

I tried to hide my smile. “Yeah, Mum. Really strange. Must be karma or something.”

Meanwhile, the Bensons were left with their tacky, ridiculous wallpaper and a ruined reputation. No one in town wanted to engage with them or even invite them to neighborhood events anymore.


A few weeks later, Mum and I were sitting on our porch swing, enjoying the warm evening. She turned to me, a mischievous gleam in her eye.

“You know, Kimmy,” she said slowly, “I ran into Mrs. Benson at the supermarket today.”

I almost choked on my lemonade. “Oh yeah? How did that go?”

Mum chuckled. “She looked like she’d seen a ghost when she saw me. Tried to hurry away, but I caught up. Do you know what I said?”

I shook my head, eager to hear.

“I said, ‘I hope you’re enjoying your new wallpaper, Mrs. Benson. I hear it’s quite… unique!’”

“You should have seen her run!” Mum finished, giggling.

“You know, Kimmy,” Mum added, her eyes twinkling, “I think the Bensons learned a valuable lesson about karma.”

I couldn’t help but grin. “Oh yeah? What’s that, Mum?”

“That it comes in all patterns and colors!” she said, laughing.

We burst into laughter, the kind that makes your sides hurt and tears run down your face. It’s become our little inside joke, a secret victory we cherish.

As our giggles subsided, Mum squeezed my hand. “I’m proud of you, sweetie. You always stand up for what’s right.”

“Mum… you knew? How did you…?” I gasped.

“Yep! I knew you did it all!” she said, a playful glint in her eye.

I smiled back, feeling warmth spread through my chest. After all, one can never hide anything from Mum, right? Sure, what I did wasn’t exactly legal, but sometimes justice wears a disguise. And in our case, it wore some truly dreadful wallpaper!”

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